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Visual appraisal - Physiological data

2013 - 2014

Funded by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future planning

Supervised by

Prof. Hokyoung Ryu

Imagine X Lab, Hanyang University

Project teams:

Imagine X Lab, LG Electronics

My role:

mixed methods UX researcher

Research methodologies:

lab-based experiments,

physiological data analysis

Research Background

As a lifelog device generates a volminous lifelog data that may not have a particular meaning for the user, it would rather be only a burden for her or him to manage it. In this regard, a situation-specific capture has been employed to reduce the volume of the collected photos by filtering out the possibly significant events. We specifically interested how the lifelog device could support the museum visitor’s experience and we hypothesized that the artworks provoked the visitor’s affective state would be a meaningful artworks for them. Before developing the lifelog device specifically for museum visitors, we conducted several experiements to understand the relationship between one’s appraisal on visual images and the physiological data such as heart rate, electrodermal activity (EDA), or facial electromyography (facial EMG), and the hemodynamic level in the brain. However, we found that one’s meaningful moments could not be simply defined with their physiological data while they appreciated the artworks. Therefore, we changed our approach to the qualitative ways to understand behind the superficial aspects of the images and this was extended to my Ph.D thesis.

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