RehabMaster Mobile
2013 - 2014
Supervised by
Imagine X Lab, Hanyang University
Project teams:
Imagine X Lab, DGate,
Medical specialists in rehabilitation
My role:
UX researcher
Research methodologies:
Interview, online data analysis
The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) incessantly extends the scope of medical services which have been carried out in the limited space and time domain. As to stroke patients, for instance, both caregivers and patients could not obtain sufficient supports from their medical staff, thereby joining other online communities from which they can get other practical advice.
Research Aim
We tried to analyze the current rehabilitation activity systems for stroke patients with Activity Theory and found some design implications, which were addressed by a new artifact called RehabMaster ‘Mobile’. This allowed us to suggest a design method that is able to develop a socio-technical system through design tensions and contradictions.
Lee. A., Kim, J., & Ryu, H. (2014). Exploring the Potentials of Mobile Learning for Stroke Patients: RehabMaster Mobile. In J. Traxler & A. Kukulska-Hulme (Eds.). Mobile Learning: THE NEXT GENERATION. New York, NY: Routledge. 100-113.
Lee. A., & Ryu, H. (2013). A rehabilitation program design for the stroke patients and caregivers with Activity Theory. Proc of HCI Korea 2013. 192-195.