Fingerstrokelevel model
2012 - 2013
Supervised by
Prof. Hokyoung Ryu
Imagine X Lab, Hanyang University
Project teams:
Imagine X Lab, LG U+
My role:
UX researcher
Research methodologies:
lab-based experiments,
behavioral data analysis
The growing popularity of gaming applications and ever-faster mobile carrier networks
have called attention to an intriguing issue that is closely related to command input
performance. A challenging mirroring game service, which simultaneously provides game
service to both PC and mobile phone users, allows them to play games against each other
with very different control interfaces. Thus, for efficient mobile game design, it is essential
to apply a new predictive model for measuring how potential touch input compares to the
PC interfaces.
Research Aim
We empirically tested the keystroke-level model (KLM) for predicting the time performance ob basic interaction controls on the touch-sensitive smart-phone interfaces, which are tapping, pointing, dragging, and flicking). A modified KLM, tentatively called the fingerstroke-level modal was proposed using time estimates on regression models.
Lee, A., Song, K., Ryu, H., Kim, J., & Kwon, G. H. (2015). Fingerstroke time estimates for touchscreen-based mobile gaming interaction. Human movement science, 44, 211-224.
Song, K., Kim, J., Cho, Y. H.,Lee, A , Ryu., H., Choi, J. W., & Lee. Y. (2013).
The fingerstroke-level model strikes back: a modified keystroke-level model in developing a gaming UI for 4g networks. CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts. 2359-2362. ACM.